How To Get Rid Of Moles In Your Yard

how to get rid of moles

Are you looking for effective ways on how to get rid of moles? Do you want to put an end to their existence? You have many options to choose from when it comes to mole control. Some methods may work better than the others but all are equally effective. This article will discuss the different methods that can help you determine which one would be best for you. Good luck and happy planting.


If you want to learn how to get rid of moles from your lawn, have practical tips and practical solutions. Those who opt for natural methods must also be aware of how to treat the infestation. These are good ways to permanently eliminate the moles from your lawn. Learning how to get rid of moles from your lawn is indeed a wise way to preserve your turf.


Getting rid of Moles using natural means requires patience and perseverance. Natural ways on how to get rid of moles usually involve using plant foods, bait, traps and repellents. The bait is prepared by mixing water, vegetable oil and meal. The meal should be composed of centipedes, earthworms, grubs and slugs.

How to Get Rid of Moles in Your Yard


Castor oil is used as bait to kill moles. You can also create your own castor oil bait by mixing equal parts of cooking oil and balsamic vinegar and then allow them to sit for at least two weeks before removing them with a grass cutter. However, there are people who are against using this as bait due to possible health risks. The best way on how to get rid of moles is to use baits, traps and underground tunnels.

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Traps are one of the most efficient ways on how to get rid of moles. There are many types of traps that are available today. These traps vary in materials used such as plastic, wire mesh, wooden or metal tubing and plastic bags. They also vary in their purpose which is to capture only pests and not humans.

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Subterranean moles are usually found below ground and make their homes underground. They usually go straight to runways or dig into the soil to lay their eggs. Getting rid of these creatures is relatively easy. There are several types of pesticides, sprays and even liquid poisons that can be applied to eliminate these pests.

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If you have an area with grasslands and thick vegetation, moles can be a real headache. Their main mode of operation is burrowing into the earth to create new tunnels and habitats. You can easily locate them through their smell which emanates from the soil they live in. Moles usually leave a trail of fur and excrement as they go around looking for food and moisture. They usually come out at night so that they can access the soil easier and detect motion. Moles will usually stay in their own areas unless intruders become a problem.


Some of the other more popular methods on how to get rid of moles are through traps, liquid poisons and repellents. There are several things you can do to keep voles out of your garden. You must first learn how voles live in the wild, then you can prevent them from coming back by keeping an eye on their habits. There are various types of devices and products available to help you do this.


If you are wondering how to get rid of moles without using harsh chemicals, then consider a natural approach. You can use natural repellents such as cayenne or garlic oil. You can also put crushed garlic or black pepper in your mole tunnels. You can also learn how to keep moles away by creating a "pole" of repellent in the area. This should be buried under the soil and camouflaged well. The ground should be filled with compost to keep it moist and weed-free.


If you choose to try one of the more toxic methods on how to get rid of moles, make sure you take the following steps. First, learn how to identify and eliminate all potential food sources for the moles in your yard. Consider using a pole-like structure that will send out an electric shock if the moles step on it. Keep moles away from your garden areas and food sources by erecting netting over them. Check your local ordinances for restrictions or ordinances against using any of these methods.


A professional may be able to tell you how to get rid of moles in your yard using traps or poison. You may also be able to use a trap and pull the mole out of the ground by hand. It depends on the size of the trap, the patience you have and the skill of the person operating the trap. Remember that just because a trap does not work properly, does not mean you should give up trying. Sometimes, it takes a couple tries before the mole is removed from the area. For more information, call a professional garden owner or a wildlife expert.

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