If you plan on running a business in Missouri, you will eventually need to register for a DBA name. A DBA name, or Doing Business As name, is a name that you use to conduct business that is different from your own name or the legal name of your business. For example, John Smith could conduct business as "John's Air Conditioning Services" rather than registering the formal business name with the state government. This article will guide you, step by step, on how to get a dba name in missouri.

Step 1 - Perform a Business Name Search

Before you can register for a DBA name, you need to make sure that the name you want is available. It's a good idea to search the Missouri Secretary of State website for your desired name as well as conduct a Google search to see if anyone else is using it. You don't want to use a name that is already taken and could potentially result in legal issues.

Step 2 - Choose a Name and Verify Availability

If the name you want is available, you can choose it as your DBA name. You will need to complete an Application for Registration of a Fictitious Name (DBA) form. The form requires you to provide several details, such as the following:

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- The name you've chosen - this is what you'll be doing business as

- Your legal business address

- The county you'll be operating in

- The date you began or will begin using the fictitious name to conduct business

Once the form is completed, you need to go to your local county clerk's office to register it. You'll need to bring the completed application as well as an original and a copy of your business registration paperwork that details the legal name of your business.

Step 3 - Pay the Applicable Fees

To obtain your DBA name in Missouri, you'll have to pay applicable fees. These fees are $7 for Missouri businesses, and each county may charge an additional fee of their own. These fees are usually nominal.

Step 4 - Renew Your DBA Name Annually

Once you've registered your DBA name, you will need to renew it each year. It's important to renew your DBA name, as it ensures that no one else can use it for their business. You will typically receive a notice or reminder from the state to renew your registration each year.


There you have it, a step-by-step guide to obtaining a DBA name in Missouri. By performing a business name search, choosing a name, verifying availability, completing the proper forms, and paying applicable fees, you'll be well on your way. Additionally, be sure to renew your DBA registration annually to keep your business name legally protected. Failure to do so results in potential legal issues and fines.

Remember, research, planning, and legal compliance are integral elements of running a business. Going about these things the right way guarantees your business doesn't encounter legal roadblocks, sets a great precedent for sheer professionalism, and provides your customers and stakeholders the assurance that your operations adhere to the State's legal standards of competent conduct.

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